Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Who I Am

I've been listing some stuff I figured out recently about myself. An inner inspection of my quirks, I might say. I've been a bum for more than a year and aside from the paintings I do, the books I read and the internet surfing, it's that time before going to sleep that gives me the quiet time to delve deep into my twisted mind. *laughs like a maniac*

-I tend to rebel when I get told to do something more than twice. Why on the third? It's because the first one is the instruction, the second one is the reminder and when it gets to the third one, it's just a nagging. This doesn't happen all the time.

-I don't like being called by my name in public. Out loud. It's a psychological thing, I think. It makes me feel that once someone gets a hold of your name, they have the right to talk to you even if I don't know them.

-Although I like being praised--who doesn't?--I don't like being praised a LOT. It sounds insincere when overdone. I pretty much like it if that praise is accompanied with a reason than a simple, "nice~". Much better if that praise is accompanied by a "but".

-I'm a homebody. That's why my hobbies are those I can do in one spot. I don't see the point in moving around just for the adventure and thrill of things. I can have both of them just by learning new stuff and not even break a sweat. If I get tired, I could just sleep.

-I have difficulty sleeping anywhere besides my bed. This one is a hereditary quirk. hahaha. My Lolo has this thing also. That's why he doesn't stay overnight anywhere if he wants to sleep. Maybe it's the familiarity of the place that makes us feel secure enough to sleep. Once, Lola was admitted in the hospital and Lolo was reluctant to go home.

"Di man sad ka makatulog nganhi(You won't be able to sleep here anyway),"  Lola said.
"Nya, makatulog pud d-ay ko sa balay nga wala man ka(I won't be able to sleep at home if you're not there)," Lolo replied.

Ayeeee~ it sounds cheesier when translated to English.

-I can't sleep with the bedroom door open or when the moon is full. I don't know why.

-I think I have a Challenge-Accepted mindset. I hate reptiles, no matter the size, but I once held an iguana using both hands because I felt that I was being challenged then. I'm a closet competitor?

-I don't like being pushed to agree to do something I'm hesitant about. Without persuasion, I have about 3-5% chance of agreeing. But when people start telling me what to do, that chance drops down to negative one million percent plus a bad mood.

I'm a downer, ain't I? hahahaha

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