Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 07 - A Picture of Your Childhood Crush

Jareth tops the list. I'm cheating since he's not actually what I can consider a "crush". It's more like I admire JARETH, not BOWIE. I listen to about five of his songs but that's about it.

Jareth is cool. It's gotta be the hair. The almost-there mullet is pretty awesome especially when you're just 10(?) in a time when Japanese animation hit the local channels.

I think it was a Sunday when I saw the Labyrinth although it was almost at the end. I didn't even get to finish it since I still have chores then. I only got to see the movie again a few years ago. And I can really say that GOBLIN KING RULES!!

What I still can't understand is how people linked Sarah and Jareth. Just because he started singing about "falling.. falling in love~" doesn't mean that he is. Maybe it was just a ploy to use Sarah's girly side so he can get rid of her and take Toby without anymore interference. BWAHAHAHAHA

Still, I could be wrong.

Anyways, Jareth became one of the reasons why I started doing costumes--sometimes actually cosplaying. Another reason is Sailormoon. hehehe

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